A whole pallet of functions with interactive tools makes it possible to work on individual sections
or on the whole image. All image manipulations in nexImage can be easily reversed.
The cropping tool enables the entire image or just a single section to be cut to a desired format.
Like all image-processing tools, the cropping frame can be drawn up via mouse. Further automatic
scaling of the cut-out can be optionally adjusted.
nexImage displays a framework with points of reference for the proportional or free-scaling
of a single image section. The framework, and with it the image plane, can be scaled to
a desired size with the mouse.
Rotate the picture or an individual section in 90°increments or either clockwise or counter clockwise.
Flip your images around a horizontal or vertical axis.
Text tool
The text tool offers a variety of ways to render a copyright notice or slogan directly on a picture.
In addition to character font, the colour, alignment and opacity of a text can also be adjusted.
Text levels can also be turned in 90° increments.